Estate Planing


estate planing

Estate Planning is the single most important thing you can do to protect your family. Texas Legal Solutions offers a full range of legal services for estate planning needs in Texas. 

Estate planning is the process of planing for the management and disposal of your estate. This is ensures your wishes are followed if you become incapacitated or after you pass.


At Texas Legal Solutions we focus on ensuring that your wishes are followed once you are no longer able to make the decisions for your medical care or the disposition of your estate. We can draft all of the necessary documents to provide appropriate care and handling of your wishes through a variety of legal tools such as:

  • Power of Attorney
  •   Medical Power of Attorney
  •   Revocable and Non-Revocable Trusts
  •   Simple or Complex Wills
  •   and other needed documents.

Everyone needs an Estate Plan; without it the Texas Estates Code will determine who gets your property. Unfortunately, due to the process it doesn’t always turn out the way you want it to. If you need assistance with your Estate Planning in Texas, including Nueces County, Kleberg County, San Patricio County, Aransas County, Calhoun County, Victoria County or anywhere in the Coastal Bend, we are “YOUR LEGAL SOLUTION.”